
Improving My Crop Production

Mini-Highlanders: How Farmers Can Benefit From Them

If you own a farm, you may want to purchase some cattle. You have a lot of cattle breeds to choose from, but one of the better options is a mini-highlander. Originating from the Scottish Highlands, this cattle breed comes with a lot of benefits for farmers.

Well-Protected From Cold Weather

With some cow breeds, you really have to be careful about cold weather. They might not have much protection as far as fur, which means you would need to take extra precautions during the winter months. You can avoid this trouble with miniature highlander cattle because they have very thick coats of fur.

They needed them to survive the cold and sometimes harsh winters in Scotland. So if your farm is in a colder part of the country, that's okay. These cows will be completely safe outside, especially if you put some shelters for them to retreat to throughout the day.

Gentle Nature

If you plan to interact with your cattle on a regular basis, then you want them to be as friendly as possible. Fortunately, with miniature highlander cows, they have a gentle disposition. This makes them great pets to keep around a farm.

Even if you have children that want to touch and be around these cows, that's okay. These cows respond favorably to humans; they actually seek out human interaction. You'll still want to act responsibly around them, but you don't have to worry about aggressive episodes that make you fearful.

Smaller Stature

If cattle size is important to you and you're looking for something really manageable in this department, then miniature highlander cattle might be the perfect addition to your farm. These cows, thanks to their miniature genetics, will be much smaller than their normal-sized counterparts.

Thus, you'll probably have a much easier time caring for these cows. You won't have to give them as much space or as much food throughout the week. You just need to make sure you buy from a reputable breeder, so you can verify you gain access to miniature genetics that ultimately keep these cows as small as you want them to be throughout their lifespan.

If you're in the market for a new type of cattle species for your farm, you might consider miniature highlanders. They have a lot of perks that you can't get with other cow species. As long as you purchase from the right breeder, these cows will provide your farm and family with ample value over the years. 

Contact a miniature highlander breeder to learn more.

About Me

Improving My Crop Production

After I started farming professionally, I realized that I could be doing better. My crop wasn't quite as productive as I would have hoped, and it was costing me a great deal of money. Instead of wallowing in my sorrows, I decided to research agricultural practices to learn what I was doing wrong. I realized my mistakes, and I was able to make the right changes to turn things around. This blog is all about improving your farm, so that you can create a better tomorrow for your family. I know that some of these articles helped me, and I know that they can help you too.
